Privately, I like street art and painting, created without any brief, straight from the heart. CV
Feliks Marciniak painting experience is based on simple visual means which are appropriate for related fields such as graphic design and monumental graffiti.
The work carried out on the canvas is characterized by clarity, purity and precision. For the author image is an object whose surface and edges are subject to careful work out. The basics of form are: character, linearity, and color placed flat. The most commonly used design solutions are central and axial composition. In many paintings the natural structure of the linen is deliberately exploited. The line is sometimes used to create not always fully readable text functioning on a par with other elements of the form. Stylistically, the works are suspended between the figurative and the abstract, in such a way that both of these features accordingto co-exist. In the wall projects, using the same means as in the paintings, Felix tries to respond to the present situation.
Taking into account the details of the “found” rooms enriches his own compositions with additional dimensions, both in terms of verbal as well as in their physical spatiality. The author seems to strive to create type of ’side-specific’ work, structurally related to the base in a particular location.
Ryszard Woźniak
Exhibitions Collective
Entuzjazm już minął
Fundacja Salony
Zielona Góra, 2017
Dom dla sztuki – sztuka dla domu
Hala Stulecia
Wrocław, 2012
Biennale sztuki młodego Wrocławia
ImpArt Gallery
Wrocław, 2011
Co za nami i przed nami
WiMBP im. C. Norwida Gallery
Zielona Góra, 2009
To idzie młodość
Bocheńska Gallery
Warsaw, 2009
Wystawa Katedry Sztuki i Kultury Plastycznej
BWA, Zielona Góra, 2008
Exhibitions Individual
Future Kids
Fundacja Salony
Zielona Góra, 2014
Zielona Góra, 2008
F13 Gallery
Zielona Góra, 2008
Picture of the week on
Nominate in 100 curators 100 days on
Feliks Marciniak ©2024 | | Saatchiart
Privately, I like street art and painting, created without any brief, straight from the heart. CV
Feliks Marciniak painting experience is based on simple visual means which are appropriate for related fields such as graphic design and monumental graffiti.
The work carried out on the canvas is characterized by clarity, purity and precision. For the author image is an object whose surface and edges are subject to careful work out. The basics of form are: character, linearity, and color placed flat. The most commonly used design solutions are central and axial composition. In many paintings the natural structure of the linen is deliberately exploited. The line is sometimes used to create not always fully readable text functioning on a par with other elements of the form. Stylistically, the works are suspended between the figurative and the abstract, in such a way that both of these features accordingto co-exist. In the wall projects, using the same means as in the paintings, Felix tries to respond to the present situation.
Taking into account the details of the “found” rooms enriches his own compositions with additional dimensions, both in terms of verbal as well as in their physical spatiality. The author seems to strive to create type of ’side-specific’ work, structurally related to the base in a particular location.
Ryszard Woźniak
Exhibitions Collective
Entuzjazm już minął
Fundacja Salony
Zielona Góra, 2017
Dom dla sztuki – sztuka dla domu
Hala Stulecia
Wrocław, 2012
Biennale sztuki młodego Wrocławia
ImpArt Gallery
Wrocław, 2011
Co za nami i przed nami
WiMBP im. C. Norwida Gallery
Zielona Góra, 2009
To idzie młodość
Bocheńska Gallery
Warsaw, 2009
Wystawa Katedry Sztuki i Kultury Plastycznej
BWA, Zielona Góra, 2008
Exhibitions Individual
Future Kids
Fundacja Salony
Zielona Góra, 2014
Zielona Góra, 2008
F13 Gallery
Zielona Góra, 2008
Picture of the week on
Nominate in 100 curators 100 days on
Feliks Marciniak ©2024 | | Saatchiart